Doll's Head Trail


Ranking: Easy Pie

Are you ready to get your creep on? Are you ready to experience a haunting? Well, possibly anyways. That's right folks I am talking about the one, the only, Doll's Head Trail located in Atlanta, GA. If you have never heard of this trail then you are in for a treat like I was. I too had never ventured out on this trail but I am glad that I did. 

Coming in at under 3 miles (online it says it is 1.5 to 2.5 miles long), this trail offers a very unique experience to hikers. I will give you a hint, the trail name is not some random deemed name. This trail is  made of doll's head throughout the trek. What also makes this trail stand out is the purpose behind it. Not only is it a nice nature walk but it also is an art exhibit of sorts. Several artists got together and decided they wanted to send a message. A message about trash. Yep you read that right, I said trash.

So throughout the trail you will see art installations created from people's garbage. Now at first you might think that is gross but it wasn't. I actually thought a few pieces were quite clever and punny. These artists played and took found objects and made something interesting with it. The message I got from it was that, "look at what people will throw away when its actually quite useful." As well as, "look at how gross human beings can be." But hey that is just my opinion, everyone's interpretation will be different. 

I would say that this trail is a nice short hike that is well hidden within the urban streets of Atlanta. We didn't even know it existed which was nice because that meant no crowds during COVID. The trail also featured a small lake, a swamp area, and a nice uncovered pavilion area. I will say though you need to bring your bug spray. Between the swampy marsh lands and the lake, the mosquitos are buzzin. Other than that I have no complaints about this trail. So if this trail sounds like something sounds interesting, go for it! 

** I forgot to mention perhaps the most important part! Another aspect of this particular trail is that it is accessible to the main part of the trail. It goes from a paved path to a flat wooden dock area. I will say once you veer off in the direction to the Doll's section, then it is not accessible anymore. But this is a HUGE deal for those who experience challenges in finding accessible trails. **