Hi Everyone! 

My name is Kayla and welcome to my site. For several years now I have been going back and forth about whether to create a blog or not. Like many of you, I enjoy reading travel blogs and researching about what destinations to go to and the like. So I thought, hey- I have stories, I have ideas- why not share mine as well? So here I go!

Long story short, I did this project in school where you had to pick a country and do a report on it. All that good stuff. Well my country was Italy and well do I really need to say more? I fell in love with the idea of traveling to new places and from then on it has been my life goal to do so. So finally here I am, making it happen! So I hope you enjoy tagging along with me as I stumble my way through my travels. Also, if you haven't already poked around, you will notice that I love to hike. It goes hand in hand with the type of traveling I am wanting to do so if you are interested check it out!

If you have any questions or want to share your own experiences, please feel free to contact me. 

Thanks for reading :)