James H Floyd State Park


Ranking: Easy Pie to Moderate

Welcome everyone to one of the most tranquil parks I have ever visited before. Located in North-West Georgia, James H Floyd State Park is a great place to explore. From the woods to the fields, this park has a great range of options for all visitors alike.

As we pulled in, my sister and I noticed two things: the park was beautiful and a storm was coming. The first thing you will see as you drive in are the breathtaking lake(s) that greet you. From the road you can see docks for fishing, paddle boating, and even some wildlife! Although the storm clouds above were making us second guess our plan, we had driven too far to give up. So we decided that at the very least we were going to hike the Marble Mine Trail and take a chance.

After checking in at the welcome center and paying for our day pass we hiked on. This park has a few trails to choose from as well as other activity areas if you are wanting a more family day. There are picnic areas, fishing options, as well as large grassy areas for playtime. If it weren't for the bad weather we would have had a picnic too but since time was not on our side we moved onward.

For our hiking trip we wanted to complete the Marble Mine Trail for sure and then go from there. This was also my sister's first hike so I wanted to choose a trail that wouldn't be too difficult for her. Coming in at under two and some change miles (depending on how you hike it, it might be less) this trail is nice and easy. There are no intense stairs, no rooty oh my gosh I'm gonna fall on my booty tree roots, and no climbing required. The only thing about this trail is that there is a steady incline but other than that it is flat and well worth the trek.

Once you reach the end of this trail, you will see what all the hype was about. You will see...drumrolllllll... a mine! Whoot whoot! Who would have thought right? But seriously folks, the mine is the one of the coolest sights I have ever seen on a trail before. What I love most about this trail end destination is that it is interactive. As you approach the actual mine the first thing you will notice is the sound of running water. Yes there is a stream along the trail, but we were pleasantly surprised when we saw that there was a waterfall too! The mine itself is more on the cave side which has a spring, waterfall, and a wooden bridge that takes you within. I cannot express enough just how wonderful this trail is! We loved it so much that we took a long break to listen to the water as it cascaded down from the overhang above. If you ever have the time, I recommend this trail for you, your friends, and your family.

After our break, we decided to make our way back from once we came and check out a shorter trail, the Upper Lake Loop Trail. Since at this point it had begun to rain, we wanted to stick it out at least for the short one-ish mile trail. This trail is a great option if you are wanting to get great views of the lake all around. From the open skies to the wildflowers that dot along the way, this trail is lovely. I would say if you have kids, this trail would be easier than the Marble Mine Trail. Not saying kids couldn't do the mine one either, but the Upper Lake Trail is shorter and has little to no incline. It is a pleasant walk and loops around so you don't have to backtrack at all.

James H Floyd State Park is a great place to take the time to enjoy nature and all that she has to offer. If you are looking for a first hand take at the trails, please check out my hiking video here!