Blood Mountain Loop Trail


Ranking: Difficult

Alright let's do this: Blood Mountain. Although the name might scare people off, the trail isn't as intimidating as it sounds. Well at least I thought so starting out but then soon realized that this trail is not to be trifled with. 

Serving as the highest mountain peak on the famous AT (Georgia section), the Blood Mountain Loop Trail is an intense hike. Being only 6 miles long you might be thinking that's not so bad right? Well yes and no. The loop section is the shorter of the trails but what it lacks in mileage it has in elevation change. To my fellow asthma fam out there, bring your inhaler and pace yourself! I had an asthma attack while hiking this trail from that steep ass incline. It will sneak up on you so be careful. 

Although I would consider this trail to be tough, it is a fantastic hike. From the forest to the mountain views, this trail is a very enjoyable challenge to complete. So let's get down to it, the trail itself. The trail ranges in steep rocky steps to secluded forest for days. As you zig zag your way up the mountain you will catch glimpses of picturesque views so be on the lookout! I would vote this trail to be more for fall and winter hiking, aka cooler weather. Since it is a steeper hike, hiking this trail in the heat might not be the greatest but hey that is just my opinion, you do you! We hiked this trail on a cooler morning and it was sooooo nice. By the time we all made it to the top I had removed all my layers only to replace them again. That fresh mountain air is wonder if not a little bit chilly. 

Once we reached the top of the mountain we were taken aback by the most spectacular views. From the rolling hills to the pupper friends to say hey to we were in pure bliss. When you are walking around on the top of the mountain you will also see a shelter near some very large boulders. This shelter is one of the many out there on the AT for backpackers to use while completing the long journey. While we were there a few hikers had set up camp inside so we couldn't go in to check it out but it was still neat to see. 

Now about those boulders I mentioned, they are climbable and climb them you should! The real view awaits you on top of those boulders. I will say if you are nervous about doing this, then obviously don't. You do what you are comfortable with. I am just telling you that the views up there were better than the ones we saw down below. Whatever you decide, the views are all around so take your time here, sit down and have a snack. Relax a little bit. Enjoy Nature's beauty for a while. I would say that this trail truly highlights  what hiking is all about. So if you ever get the chance be sure to check out Blood Mountain and all the trails it has to offer!