Cumberland Island Experience


So let's talk about my experience on Hell Island. I am referring to of course my accidental solo camping/hiking trip to Cumberland Island. So what made it so bad? I mean it is a beautiful island known for its wild horses and spectacular beaches, right? I admit the island is in fact beautiful and I'm sure if I had gone any other time of the year I would have loved it. The problem was the excruciating heat and the man eating bugs. Now the bugs I could more or less have tolerated since I did have bug spray. The never ending and feeling like I was dying at all times of the day heat was the HUGE issue. 

So I went on this camping excursion in July (I know I am super late posting this-my bad) meaning it was full-on summer. When I was at the ranger station a few times I saw that the heat index chart always said 100 degrees. That's what did it folks. That's why my experience felt like I was in Hell and why I was dying no matter what I did.

Now that I am done ranting let’s actually talk about the island. Located off the coast of Georgia, Cumberland Island is a great place for you and your friends to play. There are several places to camp, sunbathe, and picnic all over the island. Now before you get to the actual island you have to do a few things. When you arrive in town you will check in at the visitor's center and then go park in the designated parking area. Before leaving the visitor's center, grab a map of the island. Trust me you will need a map while you are exploring out there. 

Then from the parking area you will haul your stuff all the way down to the ferryboat loading zone. Oh yeah did I mention that the only way to get to the island is on a ferry boat! This trip was many firsts for me including taking my very first ferry ride. No cars are allowed on this journey and strict rules apply to what you can and can't bring on the ferryboat. For more information please refer to here. Once everyone and their belongings are loaded on board, the journey begins! It takes about 45 minutes give or take to arrive at the island and once you do you have some options. Off to the left is a ranger station where if you are camping on the island you must check in. If you are not camping and visiting for the day then you can choose where to go from there. 

On the island there are several different attractions to see. There are hiking trails, the beach, and different ruins as well. I would refer to the park rangers for recommendations or take a look at the map you grabbed and go from there. Since I was camping I had to check in and verify my timeframe of departing and such. After that I had to pull my full cart of stuff to my designated campsite and set up for the night. Pro tip- the pathway consists of dirt, sand, and rocks so be prepared for the full body workout session. 

After pulling and carrying my gear for what felt like hours, I arrived at my campsite. I decided to set up everything before having dinner and this was a MISTAKE. I underestimated the heat on day one to the point that I almost got sick. I thought I felt fine and was doing great on time but the heat crept up on me and kicked my ass. By the time I had pulled my gear, set up my stuff, and sat down to eat I was so exhausted I thought I would pass out. I remember sitting at my picnic table thinking man am I still moving? Nope that was my body about to topple over. 

Since I know my body and knew if I didn't cool down asap I would for sure pass out, I decided to take a cool shower. (Yes there are showers on the island- only for Sea Camp though so book early). And let me tell you that shower did not disappoint! Much to my surprise I found out that the only water temp out there was freezing cold. It was so cold I literally jumped out of the shower with a scream. But then I let the water actually work its magic and let me tell you, it was the best feeling in the world. Now, keep in mind that it was 99 degrees during all this and the further inland you go the less breeze there is. My campsite was smack in the middle of the forest jungle so I felt a slight breeze once every 4 hours, too hot! 

Oh I almost forgot to mention! If you do decide to go during July, don't expect the nighttime to bring you any relief against the heat. No my friend, it is hot even at night. I remember sitting in my tent around midnight thinking it would be cooler soon. That never happened. So all I am saying is be prepared, stay hydrated, and pace yourself. 

Day two was better since I knew what I was up against. I decided that day two was going to be my hiking day. I decided to complete the Southend Loop Route which was 4.3 miles long. The trail itself was a giant loop that went from the inland area to the ruins and finally ended up at the beach. Since it was so sunny and hot I decided to hike the trail in reverse so I would be in shade by the heat of the day. This trail was amazing. It offers different terrain throughout ranging from sandy beaches to forest jungle scenes. You also might run into some wild horses on the trail which is an added bonus for sure. This trail is relatively flat making it an easier hike for most. Again the heat is what will make it difficult so be sure to bring water and wear some sunscreen!  

I decided to cut my trip short by a day since it was so damn hot and the bugs were so relentless during my stay. So my day three consisted of waking up to watch the sunset on the beach and then packing up in time to catch the ferry. I must say even though for the most part I was miserable on the island it was such an amazing experience. Not only was it my first time hiking alone but it also was my first solo trip ever. It was both gratifying and terrifying at the same time. I can't really put it into words how I felt other than it being a memorable experience that I will always carry with me.

Cumberland Island was a magnificent place and I recommend you go there. Even though my time was painful and short, I am planning on going again. Next time I do go I am planning on either picking a cooler time to camp or staying at a hotel in town and visiting for a day trip!