Visitor Centers


Just a disclaimer, I LOVE Visitor Centers and everything that they have to offer. No, I do not buy all of the souvenirs thank you very much. I like to go in and see what they have to offer and check in with the staff for tips. For those of you who decide to skip the Visitor Centers and begin hiking, you might want to skip this section. I will be going on a tangent about my love for them. So now is the time to skip! Depending on the VC, most offer information about the trails, supplies, and the park itself.

     You can grab last minute gear as needed or even buy a car sticker to represent that park. I will say that oftentimes the gear that is being offered is typically overpriced. So before you buy, take a beat to Google it and check and see if you can get it elsewhere cheaper. Or if you want to support the park then go ahead, it's up to you. We typically go just grab a map and go from there. Sometimes we ask the park employees their recommendations. The choice is yours! Most park employees care about the park they are working at, so it might be a good idea to bend their ear from time to time.