Safety while Traveling


     I don’t know about you, but whenever I am traveling safety is a legit concern that I keep in the back of my mind. Now, I’m not saying you should be prepared to be blitz attacked every two seconds. But sadly, especially as of late, the world has been cray so it might be something to consider. For me, I like to do a few things regardless if I’m in my hometown or in another country.

The few things:

1. Wear a cross-body purse and/or day-pack

2. Know where my wallet/ travel documents/ phone are at all times

3. Have some mace on me or something for protection

4. Not going to the sketchy side of town unless I am with a group

5. Not taking rides from strangers anymore

     The last item is a toss up, there are good people out there but it is getting harder and harder to tell. So if you aren’t opposed to hitchhiking then just pay attention to any alarm bells going off.

**Side note**- DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT try and bring your mace or any other weapon into the airport when traveling. Unless you want to be detained in the airport lockup. Be smart, research what’s allowed- I was referring to keeping mace on me when I am in my home country.

     Overall I would not consider myself to be an on edge person. Some of these items that I listed definitely have helped me in a few sketch situations. Staying in a group is always a good idea if you are feeling uncomfortable or unfamiliar in a new city. I usually don’t mind being by myself but you never know what will happen.

     For example when I was in Paris on my study abroad trip, thankfully I was not alone when the incident occurred. I was standing by the door on the train talking to my two of my classmates when it happened. This guy grabbed me by the shoulder and proceeded to jerk me off the train with him. Talk about being caught off guard. Keep in mind this was eight-thirty in the morning in broad daylight with people out and about. Luckily, it took my friends all of five seconds to realize what was happening and yanked me back on board. I was okay other than being totally freaked out, but dude like I said, the world be cray these days so just be safe out there.

     Although that experience was terrifying, I still found myself out on my own while I was abroad. It was totally fine and dandy. So if you prefer to be a lone tiger, then go for it! Just be alert and I'm sure you will be good to go.

     The most important rule of thumb to me would have to be trusting your gut. If something feels off or you get a weird vibe, chances are it is. This concept can be applied to any situation.