Unicoi Lake Trail


Ranking: Easy Pie

     So this trail was a random surprise that we happened to stumble upon. While we were searching for shelter for the night, we came across this park from handy dandy Google. If you are in the area I would recommend you go and check this park out. The trail itself is located in Unicoi State Park. On the property, there are different camping options with check-in. There is also a very swanky lodge, if you are looking for something more upscale. This park has so many options for activities it is insane. There are activities ranging from zip lining to fishing, hiking to kayak lessons. If you are wanting more information on Unicoi State Park feel free to check it out here.

     This is an amazing place to visit if you are with a group of friends or family. I thought it was great and had so many options to choose from. When we arrived, it was midday and super rainy unfortunately. So we opted to hangout in the lodge to bum off the WiFi and grab some hot food from the restaurant inside. The lodge itself is magnificent! Have you ever seen the movie The Shining? Well if you remove the psychopath trying to kill people and the whole haunting aspect, this lodge is it. It is so beautiful. It has the groovy carpeting, high wooden ceilings, and even a bar! There are several places you can hangout within and also there is a sweet little gift shop.

     Although the lodge itself is great, let me get back on topic here. The trail! So we opted for the Lake Trail since we didn't have many options due to weather. The trail is almost flat, so it is a fairly easier hike especially with little ones. We passed quite a few families while we were hiking. This hike was short but so worth it. It surrounds the lake that is at the park with views from all around. We were lucky that the rain subsided long enough for us to get some great shots, hopefully you will get some too!  

     We hope to go back and visit this park again when the weather is better. So there might be an update on this trail...maybe.