Cheaha State Park- *Snow Edition*


Like many, when I find something that I like I tend to keep going back again, again, and again. When thinking about hiking trips I want to do, I do the same thing. Sometimes I run into a mind block of figuring out where I want to go or what to do. That's usually when a light bulb goes off in my head and I'm like oh yeah remember that park I went to before?

As someone who is always down to try new things, I also am guilty of going back to what I know and what is comfortable. That being said, that is exactly what I did here. I was sitting at home on a stormy winter day and I got the urge to go hiking. Now I know to some that sounds like a terrible idea but I rather enjoy winter hikes. I love bundling up and the smell of cold air. Well on this trip, I got what I wanted and more!

On this hike, I chose a state park that I had visited prior and had loved it. The park that I am referring to is Cheaha State Park located in Delta, Alabama. This state park is the perfect combination of history and nature all rolled into one. Upon arrival it might seem like you are in the middle of the mountains but you are actually pretty close to town. This state park is around a 30- minute drive to the historic districts of Oxford and Heflin.

So let's talk about the park itself. Now in my previous post I have already talked about the Visitor center and the Bald Rock Boardwalk trail. If you are looking for information on those two sections, then I would recommend you check out that post.

In this post my focus is going to be more set on two trails. The Pulpit Rock trail and the Lake Trail in particular. I had stated previously that what I like about this state park is that most, if not all, the trails are around a mile long. Which means if you are here only for the day you and your crew can easily knock out most of the trails in this park.

I also enjoy that everything seems to have its own space throughout the park. What I mean by that is that nothing is right on top of each other. If it's crowded, it doesn't feel that way or if it's not crowded you feel like it's only you out there. I will say on this hike I went when it was the dead of winter and a snowstorm hit literally while I was hiking. Meaning - it was just me and a few other brave souls out there.

Disclaimer- if you are planning to hike these trails during the winter as well, please be sure to bundle up. On the top of the mountains, there will more than likely be snow so be careful and stay warm!

Enough of my rambling- let's talk trail. First, the Pulpit Trail. It was beautiful, steep, and rocky. This trail takes you down a bit and then all the way back up to the top of one of the mountain tops out there in this park. Although the trail can become steep in some places, the views at the top are so worth it. I would recommend you take your time at the top and check out all the viewpoints to see the valley below.

The second trail is the Lake Trail which sadly, I did not get a chance to complete. Due to the conditions while I was there several roads and trails were closed. I did drive to the start though and saw the trail signs and it seems to go around the lake and then connect to other trails. The Lake trail would be a great summer hike for sure, so if I ever return that's one I plan on doing!

Overall, I enjoy this state park. It is a lovely place to visit with family, friends, or just by yourself. Everyone I ran into workers and non-workers were friendly and helpful. So if you are looking for a spot for the weekend or a day trip, I would recommend you check Cheaha State park out!